صفحه اعضا هیئت علمی - دانشکده دامپزشکی

Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-03
mokhtar ebrahimi
دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی / گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی
P.H.D dissertations
تحلیل سبک شناسانۀ رمان های عباس معروفی
رضوان فاطمی 1402 -
بررسی و تحلیلِ کارکردهایِ تصاویر غنایی در شعر معاصر با تاکید برشعر شاملو، فروغ ، نادر پور ، رویایی ، رحمانی
عبدالله طاهری 1401 -
بررسی و تحلیل گونه های موسیقی و کارکرد آنها در پنج گنج نظامی گنجه ای
رسول كریمی بابااحمدی 1400 -
بررسی و تحلیل شیوههای فرمانروایی در شاهنامۀ حکیم ابوالقاسم فردوسی.
ولی الماسی 1400 -
بررسی تاثیر ایدئولوژی بر آثار داستانی فارسی معاصر از ( 1340 – 1300 )
افراشته-پرستو 1400 -
بررسی و تحلیل سبک شناسانة اغراض السّیاسه فی اعراض الرّیاسه
رسول كردی 1399 -
بررسی دیدگاه های انتقادی در دیباچه های متون منثور فارسی (از سده ی چهارم تا پایان سدهی هشتم)
معصومه السادات حسینی 1398 -
بررسی و تحلیل ساختار و محتوای متلها و حکایتهای گویش لری بختیاری
آرش حاذق نژاد 1398
Master Theses
بررسی و تحلیل پاداش و پادافراه در شاهنامه و مقایسه ی آن با متون پهلوی ساسانی
سكینه میری 1402 -
تحلیل بن مایه های اسطوره ای در شکل گیری شخصیت پهلوان شاهنامه
سیدحامد موسوی صالحی 1401 -
تحلیل و بررسی آداب عیاری و جوانمردی درآثار ادبی داستانی و خاطرات مکتوب انقلاب اسلامی و دفاع مقدس از قبیل نورالدین پسر ایران ،بابا نظر ،خاکهای گرم کوشک،سلام بر ابراهیم و ...
علیرضا نجفی 1399 -
تحلیل روایت گری شاهنامه و فردوسی از شخصیت رستم
الهام ملكی جهان 1398 -
تحلیل انتقادی گفتمان قدرت در داستان سیاوش براساس نظریهی میشل فوکو
شفا دهیمی نژاد 1397 -
بررسی و تحلیل همسانی های ادبی – اندیشگی فروغ فرخزاد و سهراب سپهری
مریم اشكانی 1396This project is presented in the realm of comparison between two personal styles or methods of two contemporary poets – Forough Farokhzad and Sohrab Sepehri. Various current have made validity in the realm of contemporary poetry. But the main current until the discussed period in this project is "Nimaiee poem current". There for integrity of the poems of this two poets can be compared in the language frames and speculation of Nima in this case , it should be said that because of personal and environmental reasons, poems have many similarities beside the differences. According to this , the researcher is seeking the similarities between the poems of this poets. It can be mentioned that both Forough and Sohrab had characters with attitudes to nature , solitude and child hood. And this subjects cause the resemblance of their poems , though the poets had different attitudes. Consequently , their poetry images are in harmony with this attitudes.
and also social circumstances and universal culture had specific effects on Forough's poem which made hers different from Sohrab's.
As Sohrab's studies in the Field of phylsophy and theosophy and also his interest in theosophy-a mixture of Iranian and Eastern theosophy – caused the appearance of a specific style in his poem which is different from other common styles.
مطالعه تطبیقی فرمانروایی اردشیر بابکان در شاهنامه فردوسی با منابع تاریخی
عبدالله طاهری 1396Abstract:
Firdausi Tosi is one of the most noteworthy genius of this country and the humankinds who holds an undeniable role in culture, history and art and enliving the Iranian national identity. Firdausi has considerably contributed the culture, art and national identity of this country by creating Shahnameh. This masterpiece of Firdausi, as one of the most authorized sources for the historians and literary scholars. Sasanians dynasty (224-651 a.b) is the last dynasty which ruled prior to Arabs invasion. All the twenty nine Sasanian kings (from Ardeshire Babakan to third Yaz Gerd) are obviously stated in Shahnameh. Using authorized historical sources such as Tabari History, Yahghobi History, Balami History, Ghorarol Akhbar Molok al-Faras and Sirahom(Saalebi Shahnameh), Moravejo al Zahab and Maaden al Johar of Masoodi, Farsnameh of Ibn Balkhi, Tabaghat of Naseri, Alkamel fi Tarikh( the full history of Ibn Asir), Roze Olal Albab fi Tavarikh Al Akaber and Al Ansab( Banataki History), and Habib al Seyr fi Afrad al Bashar( Habib al Seyr) , the following subjects were studied: background of Ardeshire Babakan, his birth and growth, manner of debacle of Ashkani tribal dynasty, manner of defeating Ardovane Ashkani, quality of his coming to power and coronation), establishment of Sasanian dynasty, and generally speaking his ruling and life era from his early birth to death. Then, by comparing the narration of the mentioned historical sources and that of Shahnameh of Firdausi about Ardeshire Babakan and by showing the differences and affinities of their narratives, loyalty of Firdausi to history and historical resources about Ardeshire Babakan is studied. Then, this question is responded whether Shahnameh Firdausi is regarded as an authorized historical source(at least about Ardeshire Babakan era) and the its historical narrations are true or how Firdausi’s narrative of the founder of Sasanian dynasty is similar to historical resources and how much has he followed historical principles in narrating Ardeshire Babakan.
تحلیل رویکرد مهدی اخوان ثالث به اسطوره های ایرانی
نصره فیاض اصل 1395Abstract:
In this research under the tittle of "the analysis of Akhavan approach to Iranian myths", we study the approach of Akhavan to the myths, the process of their usage and also the effects of political and social factors and western literature on this approach. Imagination and creation are two common trait of myth and literature which has made the myth one of the basis of many of poets thinking. In Contemporary ages we, ve been watching the change of poets, ontology look and insight, and strengthen of their "social me" in a background of political _ social changes. These changes beside the fundamental shakeup in Persian poem, whitch have gotten a modern figure in the form and content, have predisposed change in Contemporary poets, approach, such as Akhavan, to myth. Although akhavan has illustrated the effect of western literature in his poems but he has an absolutely Iranian approach to myths this approach is the result of his deep spiritual link to the mythological of ancient Iran. His idealistic mind with political concept can point to other concepts sech as cultural and social concepts. Such like by recreating these myths illustrate the adaptability of the myth more than ever.
سبک شناسی شعر ملک الشعرای بهار با تأکید بر عناصر تصویری
فرهاد زمانی احمدمحمودی 1394Mohammad-Taqi Bahar is both a modern and classic poet who expresses his thoughts and ideas in the simple and passionate language of poetry, and seeks to raise the awareness of the society.
Bahar’s poetry demonstrates his poetic mission. Bahar is an imagist poet; the imagery in his poetry serves social messages and creates sensibility and dynamism in his poetry. The present study intends to evaluate poetic as well as linguistic and phonetic stylistic in Bahar’s poetry. In chapters four and five, rhetorical and imagist elements are addressed; in chapter six, in Bahar’s frames of thought and poetic themes are examined, and finally, chapter seven is allocated to the morphological elements of his Divan.
Although the contemporary Persian poetry is mostly identified with Nima’s style, the traditional forms lived on in the poetry of great poets such as Bahar. He has reflected social, political and sometimes cultural, liberalist thoughtsin the classical style. Bahr’s style secures a high place in terms of literariness, which had made him one of the greatest contemporary poets.
بررسی وتحلیل ساختاری و درون مایه ای سوگ سروده های بختیاری
هادی شهنی-نسیم 1394Mourning is a certain reality in everyone's life that each individual expresses its grief in a different way. Mourning songs are a means to express such feelings, having a long history. Bakhtiari mourning songs are a part of this history, essential to Bakhtiari local literature. The Bakhtiari culture and its nomadic and natural aspects are reflected in such a structural and thematic analysis of Bakhtiari murning songs. These songs describe the deceased persons's traits. They are in the form of single lines song in chorus constituting a main ceremony in the mourning tradition. They contain cults inherited from the ancient times. They are transfered from one generation to another orally. It seems that the absence of a written record makes many lines be forgotten. Due to the importance of such song in the Bakhtiari mourning and their gradual obsolence, the present research contains a number of such songs .
بررسی و تحلیل نقش دیو در شاهنامه
زهرا خرمیان 1393During human history and nation’s ideas, there are forces which are always areas of fight to control the world. The good forces in one side, and the evil ones versus them. The ancient Iranians accepted this idea that the divils and the universe undergo an everlasting fight between Ahura followers and Ahriman followers. The Divs and Ahriman originate from myths of ancient nations, such as Mesopotamian mythology, Indian and Arian ones. At the beginning these Divs and Ahrimans didn’t have vicious characteristics; rather some of them have occupied divin places. After some of the left their divine places and become Divs. This research tries to reveal characteristics, features aims and duties of the Divs and Ahriman. The Avesta and historical and mythological Pahlavi literature have talked about, ideas, thoughts of Divs Ferdosi in his Shahname influenced by 3 and 4 (Hejri) century’s atmosphere, which is a reflection of ancient Iran, revealed some codes of the Divs to identify the divin path for wise people. In the Avesta and Pahlavi literature Divs and Ahrimans are vicious thing, but Ferdosi opined that every human has the potential power to believe them. So Ferdosi tried to deal with these features of human kind, and his examples are Afrasiab and Zahak.
بررسی تأثیر مسایل اجتماعی و فرهنگی در غزل سده ی هشتم
شاهرخ داودی 1393In this research, investigating the effect socio-cultural issues on the eighth century’s sonnet, it will be specified well that the socio-cultural issues have had an essential role on the literature and the poem types and have a close and mutual relationship. It is seen in this period that because of the socio-cultural movements, one type of Persian literature poem (sonnet) is remarkably more outstanding than other types and reaches its narrative climax which is the dominant aspect of this period. In this period no poet cares about the ode and tribute as the result of social disorders and the ignorance of rulers towards the poet and poetry; so, the main literature type of this period is sonnet. Sonnet was versed in a distinctive manner. The punctilious and humorists of this period criticized the socio-cultural and poor conditions, with the humor and criticism language.
فلسفه ستیزی در شعر سعدی ، سیف فرغانی و حافظ
مهین حاتم پور 1392Philosophical thought appears after tilling human soul to satisfy theworld inside and outside. In the beginning of Persian Literatur, philosophy appeared as poaising soul and the Samanids did their best in this. In Mahmood Ghaznavi time, philosophy was neglelected and philosophers were away from the court and shie were killed. By trending the literature towards sophism in sixth century, the contrast between mind and hear changed into a central topic in sophis works, especially Sanai. Contrasting philosophy in seventh century. Has expanded; henc, philosophy has the lowest reflection in literature. Sadi. Seif Farghani and Hafiz. as Ashari poets who reflected their thoughts in their works, have followed Sanai in making fun of philosophical thoughts. Since Seif Farghani has a clear position towards social issues, had clearly ctiticized philosophy and had tried to convince his audience that philosophy should be avoided. Sadi, who grew up in Nizamiye, followed Ashari thought and payed more attention to ethics than to philosophy. Hafiz, also,followed this way and apparently thought philosophy and claimed that mind is unable to understand they truth.
: بررسی ونقدمقایسه ای تصویرپردازی های رزمی در شاهنامه و گرشاسب نامه
مرجان نادرپور 1392 -
بررسی وتحلیل عناصرداستانی در رمان جای خالی سلوچ اثرمحموددولت آبادی
بهاره حكیمی ساران 1392Mahmoud Dowlat Abadi is one of the most effective writers in Iran. His special position in the narrative fiction’s area and his role in enhancing and promoting rural and regional literature is well-known. Thinking of his works determines that through his literary career, he uplifted his artistic funds with the benefit of various methods and techniques. “Jaye Khalie Soulooch” is his first novel. This novel, as one of the most realistic contemporary novels, is laudable. In this thesis, according to the contemporary novel studies criteria, the fiction elements of “Jaye Khalie Soulooch” has been reviewed and criticized. This study is presented in four sections: first, narrative fiction; second, his life and works; third, recognition and introducing the novel “Jaye Khalie Soulooch” and in the fourth section the elements of the fiction such as the theme, the content, the narrative, the point of view and so on are analyzed.
بررسی تطبیقی نظریه های نیما با شعر او
مهتاب اوتاری 1392 -
چرایی جنگ ها در شاهنامه فردوسی
صفورا عبداله زاده 1391 -
مقایسه ی شخصیت های اساطیری شاهنامه و اوستا
زینب موسوی 1391 -
نقش حکومت ها در انواع ادبی تا سده ی هشتم هجری
صدیقه حسنكی 1391 -
بررسی عناصر داستان در آثار احمد محمود با تأکید بر مدار صفر درجه و زمین سوخته
كبری دلفی 1390 -
بررسی سبک شعر هوشنگ ابتهاج
سیده مرضیه طبیب 1390 -
انسان در شعر معاصر باتکیه بر شعر: سهراب سپهری، نادر نادرپور، سیاوش کسرایی و سیمین بهبهانی
خسرو قنواتی 1389 -
بازتاب آیین های ایران باستان در شعر معاصر باتکیه بر احمد شاملو، اخوان، حمید مصدق، سیاوش کسرایی و شفیعی کدکنی
زهرا اسماعیل زاده 1389 -
تاثیر سبک خراسانی بر شعر معاصر فارسی
محمد بركتی 1388 -
جریانهای اساسی در شعر معاصر ایران
لیلا مجدم 1387 -
بررسی شعر گفتار و ویژگیهای تکنیکی آن در آثار شعری سیدعلی صالحی
بهروز مومنی چلكی 1387 -
سیمای فرشتگان در ادب فارسی از آغاز تا سدة هشتم
زهرا جعفری 1385