لیست کتابهای لاتین خریداری شده - دانشکده دامپزشکی
لیست کتابهای لاتین خریداری شده
1.Analgesia and Anesthesia for the III or injured Dog and Cat
2.BSAVA Manual of Avian Practice : A Foundation Manual
3. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Shelter Medicine
4.Companion Animal Care and and Welfare : The UFAW Companion Animal Handbook
5. Cooperative Veterinary Care
6. Equine Neck and Back Pathology : Diasgnosis and Treatment
7. Exotic Animal Laboratory Diagnosis
8. Field Manual for Small Animal Medicine
9. Fundamentals of Canine Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology and ePUB Set
10. Guide to Canine and Feline Electrocardiography
11. Histologic Basis of Ocular Disease in Animals
12. introduction to One Health : An Interdisciplinary A pproach to planetary Health
13. Locking plates in Veterinary Orthopedics
14. pharmacotherapeutics for veterinary Dispensing
15. practical Lambing and Lamb care : A Veterinary Guide
16. Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice
17. Textbook of Small Emergency medicine 2 V Set
18. Veterinary Anesthetic and Monitoring Equipment
19. Veterinary Psychopharmacology
20. Wiggs's Veterinary Dentistry : Principles and Practice
21. Aquatic Animal Nutrition
22. Biomineralization Mechanism of the Pear l Oyster , Pinctada fucata
23. Lactic Acid Bacteria : Methods and Protocols
24.Organic Aquaculture : Impacts and Future Developments
25. The Siberian Sturgeon Volume 1 – Biology
26. The Siberian Sturgeon Volume 2 - Farming
27. Success Factors for Fish Larval Production
28. Aquaculture Economics and Financing Management and Analysis
29. Aquaculture Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants
30. The Economics Of Salmon Aquaculture
31. Aquaponics Food Production Systems